Official Edubilla Blog


Global Warming

Author : Manisha Posted On : Tuesday, 29th September 2015
Global Warming

Global warming is a big issue that we are facing today. The earth surface is becoming hot and hot making it difficult for humans to make their living on earth. Can anyone guess what would be the reason behind? If we don’t find any measures to overcome the situation then it will have worst impact on human life.

The main reason behind globe warming is human and their approach towards the nature. It is expected that in years to come the situation will go more worst impacting human life adversely. Global warming is caused due to the increasing level of carbon dioxide gas and other gases on the earth environment. It is only because of global warming we face uncertain natural calamities like flood, drought, rise in sea level, changes in weather patterns, cyclone, storms and much more. 

How the level of carbon dioxide increases? Does it increase automatically? The answer is No, it increases due to activities like deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, Industrial disposals, use of coal, oil, gas, fertilizer, unnecessary use of electricity etc.. If all these activities continue to exist then it would be difficult for mankind to further make their life existence in this planet.

So, how to control this issue? To get rid of the situation first we should make people aware of this concept, educate them about its cause and impact and ask them to go for planting trees, use less electricity and stop all other activities that leads to globe warm. Involving our self in these activities will reduce the impact of global warming for better living in the planet.


Comments for this Blog

Jack the cool
Jack the cool
3 years ago

The global warming is the atrocious factor that has to be rectified at once to save the mankind.

3 years ago

Global warming is a big environmental issue it causes lot of climate changes. Everyone must try to reduce the effect of Global warming.

3 years ago

Absolutely what you said above is true. Deforestation and industrial disposal into water had caused the global warming. The number of building increases and lifespan of human declines rapidly. We are responsible for the cause and it is our sole duty to wash out by planting and growing trees, proper waste disposal.

Merlin Vimal
Merlin Vimal
3 years ago

Creating awareness about Global warming is necessary to save our planet Earth. Save Energy, plant more trees, recycle and reuse things, reduce the usage of paper products and choose green transport in order to reduce global warming.

Chandru sharma
Chandru sharma
3 years ago

Global warming is formed by too much of carbon-dioxide(co2) in the atmosphere that's affect earth's average surface temperature,due to the effect of Green house gases.


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