Alfeen Public School is a Girls school affiliated to CBSE syllabus. Alfeen Public School is located in Kottayam, Kerala. The school was established in the year 1993 and is managed by THE ALIF TRUST.
Alfeen Public School would be an abode of excellence providing an environment for every student to reach their full potential in academic, creative, personal, physical, moral and spiritual spheres to lead a successful and productive life contributing positively to the global community.
Celebrate the difference of every child by caring for and nurturing their young minds and also fostering positive relationship. Follow a personalized curriculam to equip the student with academic, social,ethical and cultural skills to be contributors to the global community. Provide opportunities to ensure that every student develops and displays leadership skills like self reliance, respect, humility and team word. Create an environment of excellence and competence for every individual ( students and teachers)
Contact Person
Ms Girija SanthoshAddress
26th mile, NH-220, Palampra P.O., Kanjirappally, Kottayam, KeralaPincode
Kottayam, Kerala, India
Website Phone Numbers
04828 234330, 234151