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Fully Funded Scholarship in the UK

Educational Institutions:
Posted On : 2016-01-05 18:11:28
07/95/Fully funded scholarship in the UK.jpg
Fully Funded Scholarship offered by UK university:

Eligibility Criteria:

Be a Common wealth citizen (for example India or Bangladesh)

Be permanently resident in a developing commonwealth country,

Hold a first class degree by August 2016

Be unable themselves or through their families to pay to study in the UK
Return to their home country as soon as their award comes to an end.

For More information
Contact us:
Ealoor Consultancy UK Ltd
E mail: [email protected] or
Contact Number: 0044 7712 717 163 or 044 161 456 7166

Article posted by:
Ealoor Consultancy UK Ltd.

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