Established On : 2006
EAPRIL stands for European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (in education and professional practice). It is a non-profit organisation under Belgian law, governed by an Executive Board in cooperation with the EAPRIL office. The association promotes practice-based research on learning issues in the context of initial, formal, lifelong and organisational learning with the aim to enhance practice. EAPRIL encompasses different contexts (such as schools of various educational levels as well as organisations and corporations across fields, such as engineering, medicine, nursing, business, and teacher education), at different levels (individuals, teams, organisations and networks), and in different stages of life (from kindergarten over students in higher education to workers at the workplace).
As a result, EAPRIL is unique by bringing together not only those interested in the crossroads between research & practice but also between education & professional learning.
We kindly invite you to our next EAPRIL conference, which will take place in Porto, Portugal from 22 to 25 November 2016.
Our upcoming 2016 conference will focus on the implications of the digital era on learning, working and practitioner research. Our keynote speakers Prof. Diana Laurillard and Prof. Alexander Gröschner will speak on the use of digital platforms and video in learning..
Contact Person
Inneke BerghmansAddress
Peterseliegang 1, Box 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.Pincode
Association Website Phone Numbers
32 16 23 19 00