21 Power Tools Of Reiki

Publisher : V & S Publishers
Publisher Address : F-2/16, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, India
Publisher Website : http://www.vspublishers.com/
Publisher Email : [email protected]
Published Date : N/A
Nursing, Health & Social Work
New Delhi/India
978 93 8138 456 5
Edition Number
Book Description

The leading New Age therapy, although extremely popular, Reiki is generally taught at the very basic level. It can, however, do much more than simply heal diseases. Channelled properly, Reiki can be used for very specific purposes with astonishing results. Through the 21 power toold, this book teaches you just how, in a step-by-step manner. If channelized properly, Reiki can be used for some very specific purposes with astonishing results. Through the 21 power tools, this book teaches you just how, in a step-by-step manner. The outcome of five years research, this book is a collection of different methods and tools that make Reiki most effective by concentrating on the flow of energy. The book outlines these tools that you could use for every occasion. Highlights: *Tools for every occasion *How to use Reiki for specific purposes *The benefits of awareness and detachment *Relaxation and distress through specific forms of meditation and the power of affirmations and the Reiki Prayer *Manitain health and vitality through Tibetan exercises *The benefits of salt water bath and aura cleansing...and much much more
