Comprehensive Computer Learning

Publisher : V & S Publishers
Publisher Address : F-2/16, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, India
Publisher Website :
Publisher Email : [email protected]
Published Date : N/A
Computing and Computer Science
New Delhi/India
978 93 5057 014 2
Edition Number
Book Description

We have moved one step ahead in the arena of student and job-oriented books with the CCL, by enhancing our proven pedagogy to bring together the collective knowledge and wisdom of the world of computers. Books published under this series are specifically designed to engage readers, improve computer skills, and prepare themselves for future success. This comprehensive series with step-by-step instructions and relevant screenshots throughout the text enables readers to have a better understanding of computers. Written in simple and lucid language, without technical jargons, each book of this series is accompanied by an interactive CD/DVD with video tutorials. The book is designed to provide you with everything you need for your formal introduction to the world of computers. It's the one book that covers everything that a reader needs to know about computers – Hardware and software of a computer; setting up a new computer; using Microsoft Office and other popular software connecting to the Internet; working with digital media; burning custom CD/DVD; watching movies; managing money online; setting up home networks; keeping PCs running reliably; protecting your PC from spam, viruses, and spyware; cleaning your PC properly, etc. This comprehensive guide uses easy-to-follow steps and screenshots, and clear, concise language to show the simplest ways to get things done with your PC.

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