Established On : 2003
JnS is an international company responsible for providing free consultancy and support services to international students applying to UK, Canada, Australia, and USA Institutions.
We are committed to provide best services to our client from all over the world. Our staff members are experienced and trained by British Council. We will help you to find the right University to apply, manage your application, search for right accommodation, and provide continue support during to your stay in the UK through over London office.
We have many sub-offices spread all over the world with three main offices operating in London, Dubai and Kuwait
JNS Career Services is part of JNS's Division of Student and Academic Services. Our comprehensive services in Barnes Hall are open to all students, and complement the services offered through career offices in the undergraduate colleges that are tailored to more college-specific academic and career goals. Students in the Johnson School of Management, Law School, and College of Veterinary Medicine are served by their independent career offices.
The mission of JNS Career Services is to contribute to the JNS community of learning by providing outstanding career development services that help students apply their education and experiences toward advancing their career goals over a lifetime.
JNS Career Services staff members want to help you learn about your skills and interests, and articulate them confidently in resumes, cover letters, interviews, and personal statements; identify and explore career options that you might pursue; and implement an effective strategy to attain your desired career outcomes. You will find many resources in these pages, and we also invite you to visit our offices in person.
Burj Behbhanai Block 10, Yusuf Al Bader St. Floor 2 Salmiya, Kuwait - 522953
Location :
As Salimiyah, Hawalli, Kuwait
Email :
Phone Number :
+965 25620031
Contact Person
One Canada Square, 37th Floor, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA United KingdomPincode
E14 5AAConsultancy Website Phone Numbers
+44 207 387 3768,+44 7766317128