DAV MODEL SCHOOL, DURGAPUR is affiliated to the CBSE, New Delhi and has classes from Nursery to Class XII. At present it has a huge student strength of about 5000. It offers Science, Commerce and Humanities streams at plus 2 level besides the vocational streams of IT Application, Physical Education and Fine Arts.The tastefully architectured building of DAV Model School, Durgapur is set on 8 acres of land amidst lush green environs of the steel city. It offers the perfect ambience with its highly sophisticated infrastructure that comprises of airy, well ventilated, spacious and fully furnished classrooms.The school boasts of a four block majestic edifice- the D.Pal Block houses the main administrative section along with secondary section, the N.D.Grover Block is the primary wing , the Pehla Kadam is the Pre-Primary wing and the newly constructed Mahatma Hans Raj Block is the senior secondary wing.
Contact Person
J.M. Sengupta Road Durgapur - 713205 Dist.- Burdwan West BengalPincode
713205Barddhaman, Bengal, India