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Difficult words to spell

Lavanya posted 2 years ago
Here I have shared the list of difficult to spell words and its right way of pronunciation:

Cymotrichous - sai-mah-tre-kes
Laodicean - la-od-i-ce-an
Autochthonous - au-toch-tho-nous
Logorrhea - log-or-rhea
Euonym - eu-o-nym
Vivisepulture - vivi-sepulture
Odontalgia - odon-tal-gia
Smaragdine - sma-mrag-dine
Eudaemonic - eu-dae-mon-ic
Antediluvian - an-te-di-lu-vi-an
Chiaroscurist - chia-oscu-rist
Pococurante - po-co-cu-ran-te
Appoggiatur - ap-pog-gia-tu-ra
Ursprache - oor-shprah-khuh
Stichomythia - sticho-myth-ia
Feuilleto - feuil-le-ton

1 answers

Tara replied 2 years ago
Thanks for sharing this wonderful lists.. Its really useful to learn such difficult words.