“Change is essential but continuity is also necessary. The future has to be built on the foundations laid in the past and in the present. To deny the past and break with it completely is to uproot ourselves and, sapless, dry up. It was the virtue of Gandhiji to keep his feet firmly planted in the rich traditions of our race and our soil and, at the same time, to function on the revolutionary plane. Above all, he laid stress on truth and peaceful means. Thus he built on old foundations, and at the same time, oriented the structure towards the future”. (From Jawaharlal Nehru’s Speech ‘India Today and Tomorrow’, (February 1959)
We often seem to be ignorant of the synthesis which some our great leaders who, on the other hand, are great educationists, too, argued for and successfully implemented in some of their institutions. This model ie. the synthesis of our tradition with the acceptable modern trends can be , if implemented in proper manner, can solve the problems which haunt our educational scenario. The most important problem which we face today is value crisis. The shocking element in this regard is that educated people, too, are reported to commit severe crimes like rape, robbery, corruption etc. If we analyze the problem in an accurate and sincere manner, we can find that we completely gave up our traditional values when accepting the modern educational trends and developments in our country. A number of such problems like lack of proper life skills, suicide tendency, scattered family life are there which are aroused because of this blind acceptance of western educational strategies and complete negligence of our native impulses. The educational concepts of Tagore, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Gandhiji, Iqbal etc. are best examples for this synthesis.
The purpose of this seminar would be to discuss and analyze the synthesized educational systems propagated and promoted by some great Indian educationists and to study whether such a synthesis would be possible in the present educational scenario, and if it is possible, how it can be popularized and implemented.
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