
Alcoholic Drink

-Alcoholic Drink
: c.10,000 B.C.E
: Ancient World

About Invention

The accidental  fermentation of a mixture of water and fruit in sunlight is thought to have led to the first discovery of an alcoholic drink by a prehistoric people.Evidence of intentionally fermented beverages exists in the form of stone age beer jugs dated as early as the neolithic period (10,000 B.C.E)other jugs have been excavated in southwest Asia and North Africa.

Alcolhol consumption became a status symbol for the wealthy.During the Middle Ages,concoctions were distilled to produce spirits.Alcohol has also served as a thrist quencher when water was polluted.In the 1700s,home-brewing processes were replaced by commercially made beer and wine,which became important for the economies of europe.

Beer was the first alcoholic beverage ,but many others have been produced since then .The chinese are thought to have produced yellow wine 4,000 years ago.

Attitudes to alcohol consumption have varied over time and different countries have limited the hours when drinking establishments are open ,or even banned the sale of alcohol altogether,as americans did in the prohibition,between 1920 and 1933. 


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