Model School is a premier educational institute situated in Jhajjar, Haryana (India). The school is co-educational, affiliated to CBSE and imparts education upto Senior Secondary Certificate level in English Medium. Deputy Commissioner, Jhajjar is the ex-officio Chairman of the school. To focus on quality education and the need of the time, the school runs only Science and Commerce Streams. Established in 1994. The school is equipped with full fledged Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Maths and Computer labs, library is enriched with books. It has facilities for indoor games like Chess, TT, Basket ball & Badminton. The school has introduced smart class (Digi class) teaching technique. Ever since its inception, Model School, Jhajjar has been a fore-runner as an institute that offers a strong academic base combined with opportunities for all round development of the personality of the students. Through various co-curricular activities, games and sports, the competitive networking and team work skills of students are honed which further enhance their abilities to anticipate and adapt to the fast changing world scenario and the paradigm shift in the field of education. This all has been incorporated successfully with the balanced blend of commitment, diligence and sincerity of the staff and management. We have very smoothly introduced the latest policies of CBSE regarding Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, CCE
Contact Person
Anju PhogatAddress
Opp. Nehru College JhajjarPincode
Jhajjar, Haryana, India
Website Phone Numbers
01251-252375, 01251- 322110