Raja Narayanlal Lahoti English School is a Co-educational school affiliated to CBSE syllabus. Raja Narayanlal Lahoti English School is located in Latur, Maharashtra. The school was established in the year 1940 and is managed by Shri Marwadi Rajasthan Shikshan Sanstha.
The school will endeavour to impart 21st century life- skills based education and nurture every child by love, care and tenderness coupled with expertise and dynamism to bring out their competencies. The young adults who pass out are integrated and intelligent students equipped with profound knowledge, attitude and skills. The school will create human excellence.
Contact Person
Signal Camp, Latur - 413512 Maharashtra State. IndiaPincode
413512Latur, Maharashtra, India
http://www.rnles.edu.in/Contact Phone Numbers