Rungta Engineering College Raipur is part of the Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions whose flagship college Rungta College of Engg and Technology, Bhilai is the leading technical education provider of Chhattisgarh. We have been consistently ranked among the top Engineering Colleges of India and some of our rankings is reflected by the fact that we have been ranked 58th In India by Outlook, 34th by Dataquest, 28th by Electronics for You and among the top 50 colleges of India by various ranking agencies. We offer undergraduate, Post-Grduate and Doctoral programs in our campus. To effective manage our programs and to enhance our leadership status is reflected in the quality of teaching faculties which we have on rolls. Our CS & IT department has 6 Ph.D professors and 9 senior faculties currently pursuing their doctoral programs. Both the HOD of CS and IT departments have over 25 years of teaching experience and have doctoral degrees. The average experience of the academic staff of CS & IT department is around 7 years. Almost all our faculties in CSE & IT departments have Post Graduate degrees or are pursuing the same. The hierarchy of our academic team is 1. Professor 2. Asst Professor 3. Reader 4. Lecturer 5. Teaching Assistant. We offer doctoral programs in 9 different disciplines which is the highest for any college in the region. The Dean of the board of studies (CS/IT/MCA) of Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University is also a the HOD of CSE in our college. As compared to any other technical institution in the region we have the highest number of Ph.D as faculty in our CSE/IT department. The top 5 senior most professor on the university list are also part of our CSE academic team.
Course Details
Contact Person
Santosh RungtaAddress
Rungta Educational Campus , Behind Nandan Van, Raipur (C.G.)Pincode
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Website Phone Numbers