Sarswati.vidya.mandir. Santhu is a Primary with Upper Primary School in Santhu Village of Jalore.It was established in the year 2006 and the school management is Pvt. Unaided. It's a Hindi Medium - Co-educational school.
Sarswati.vidya.mandir. Santhu has it's own (private) building. The school has total 8 classrooms. The lowest Class is 1 and the highest class in the school is 8. This school has 6 Male Teachers and 2 Female Teachers. There is a library facility available in this school and the total number of books in library is about 200.
Social Transformation of our mother land into a just , equitable and harmonious society a place of God's reign.
To Provide holistic and integral development to students enabling them to grow as persons of character , competence , conscience , compassion and commitment , who will take their rightful place in the society contributing to build a new and better India that is more inclusive and sensitive to the disadvantaged.
Contact Person
Dr. Bhagirath ChoudharyAddress
"Pranav Sadan" Jodhpur Road Bhadrajun, Jalore (Rajasthan) PIN - 307029Pincode
307029Jalor, Rajasthan, India