SKL PUBLIC SCHOOL made a humble beginning in 2006 in this dust-free, noise-free and healthy atmosphere just 5kms away from Avinashi. It is near New Tirupur and placed itself in the junction where the National Highways meet the service road going to Avinashi. A calm and quiet place , good for learning , with a vast , sprawling campus having necessary infrastructure. I t is a co education following Matriculation pattern.
Education should prepare students to face the next generation with academic excellence, mutual toleration, humanness a will to excel and to preserve our hoary culture.
To accomplish what we envisage and conceive we understand that we need to have proper infrastructure, highly knowledgeable faculty, a thought out system and an efficient Head to implement, supervise and correct the entire school community. Necessary input and counsel too should come from the management to succeed in the goal we set before us.
Contact Person
641654Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India
Website Phone Numbers