SRBS International School is located at Nauhjheel, Mathura District. It is Established in April 2012 and is managed by RBS Shiksha Prashar Samiti (Regd.). The school is Affiliated to Central board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. Classes are offered from Pre-Nursery to 10th standard. The school has a sprawling campus with modern amenities. Hostel facilities are arranged for students. The school has a well-stocked library, audio-visual center, Riding facility, activity center, skating rink, and a science park.
It is our vision to be the best and excel in the field of education so as to produce truly capable, independent and responsible citizens who would be leaders in their professional fields and would effectively lead the society. Creation of a moral and ethical environment in which students shall learn to respect each and all. Through challenges and discipline they will learn to take responsibilities of their own lives and be of service to their environment
Our mission is to foster future leaders with active intellectual curiosity and creative minds, a sense of understanding and compassion for others and the courage to act on their beliefs. We lay stress on the total development of lifelong learning of each child: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical.
Contact Person
Nauhjheel-Bajna Road, Nauhjheel Mathura (U.P.) 281203Pincode
281203Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
Website Phone Numbers