Aliah University

Aliah University

State Universities

 Kolkata, Bengal, India


Basic details

Established On
Advancement of education and culture

About University

Aliah University started its glorious journey from the 2008-09 academic session with great potential and immense opportunities. It is hoped that this university, harmonizing tradition and modernity, will emerge as a unique institution of higher studies and research. As per Aliah University Act 2007, Section 3 (3), it has been conferred the status of a minority educational institution. Aliah University is an autonomous university under the Department of Minority Affairs and Madrasah Education, Government of West Bengal. It is hoped that along with the people of any race, creed, caste or class, this University will play a crucial and leading role in the advancement of higher education for socially and educationally backward classes belonging to the Minorities



Aliah University is marching on with a vision to recapture the ambience and dynamic cultural heritage of the madrasah system, to expand and deepen it, to evolve it further with a successful outreach into the emerging areas in each branch of modern science, technology, social studies, and humanities. We would like to instil the dynamism of the glorious heritage of the past among all our students, so that they can successfully cope with the critical needs and challenges of the present and contribute to the future advancement of science, technology, and human civilization, develop love and respect for fellow citizens of the country, and integrate themselves to the nation.The University envisages creation of ever-expanding opportunities for higher education and research in traditional as well as newly emerging areas for the capacity-building and empowerment through all-round development of our countrymen, particularly the socially and educationally backward classes belonging to the Minorities. The University shall also develop, with its rich resources and immense potential, Centres of Excellence for higher studies in classical languages, Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic culture, comparative religion, science and technology, professional and management education. Through its Centre for Vocational Studies (CVS), the University has undertaken programmes for development of skills amongst the minorities, particularly the out-of-school people and school/college drop-outs, so that their economic conditions improve through wage / self-employment opportunities. At the initial stage, due to lack of adequate infrastructural facilities, the University had to go for public-private partnership, but now, from the 2009-2010 session, the university has started several of its academic programmes on its own. Very soon, when its new campus becomes ready, the university will go for further expansion of its teaching, research, and training programme



To promote innovations in education leading to restructuring of existing courses of Islamic Theology and Arabic, and introduction of new courses like Islamic Studies, Islamic Finance and Banking, and Islamic Insurance,To introduce new methods of teaching and learning in different areas of study,To encourage study of modern technological and professional courses,To take required steps for the introduction of inter-disciplinary studies,To facilitate ethical as well as professional improvement and an integral development of personality of the students of the University,To promote humanism, secularism, national integration, and international understanding through academic courses, seminars, symposia, conferences, and praxis


Contact Details

Vice Chancellor

Prof. Abu Taleb Khan


21, Haji Md. Mohsin Square,Kolkata-700016, India

Phone Numbers


Fax Numbers

Contact Email

[email protected]