These pages list publications by CCSU staff reporting new results based at least partly on work done while at CCSU, and carrying the CCSU affiliation. The publications are arranged according to the subjects which fall under the different Faculties and Departments, and Centres. Papers based on multi-disciplinary studies may be listed more than once under different subject headings. Refereed journal papers, publications in conference proceedings, technical reports and books/in books are listed under separate headings. As CCSU develops its own list of recognized refereed journal, presently those listed by Thomson-Reuters have been adopted. Authors from CCSU have been put in boldface.
Cotton College State University (CCSU) was created via an Act of the Government of Assam (Act XIX of 2011), with Cotton College as a constituent College of this new University. This Act received the assent of the Honourable Governor of Assam on the 3rd of September 2011, and was notified via the Assam Gazette on 5th September 2011. The vision of this new University is to be a world-class one, excelling in both teaching and research, developing knowledge and skills with an emphasis on this part of our country, providing broad-based education to students to take on the challenges of tomorrow via modern curricula, learning and assessment methods, upholding the highest ethical standards, and providing a clean, efficient and transparent administration.
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