A Significant development of far-reaching consequence in the history of education at Dayalbagh was the establishment of the DEI as a Registered Body in 1973, which integrated and brought under one umbrella all the educational institutes of Dayalbagh. In 1975, the Institute formulated an innovative and comprehensive educational policy with the mission objective of evolving a “complete man” which recived approbation from the Government of Uttar Pradesh, the University Grant Commission (UGC), and the Ministry of Education and Culture (Department of Education). On May 16th 1981, the Government of India declared the DEI, Agra, comprising of the DEI women`s Training College, REI Degree College, Dayalbagh as a Deemed University under Section 3 of the UGC Act. Accordingly, the three erstwhile colleges ceased to exist as separate entities and began functioning as the faculty of Arts, Commerce, Education, Enginnering and Science from the academic session 1981-82. The Institute has since been accorded the Membership of the Association of Indian Universities. The Institute is located amidst the tranquil environs of Dayalbagh, a self-contained colony renowned for its serene environment and secular establishing, in which its inhabitants lead an active, disciplined and co-operative community life, conforming to the high spiritual ideals of their faith. On the outskirts of the historic city of Agra, the campus is situated in idyllic surroundings, away from the din and noise of the city. Nestled between lush green fields, it provides an excellent academic setting which is in harmony with nature. This, along with a simple, disciplined and principled life, undoubtedly contributes to the strength of the social, moral and spiritual fiber of the institute`s educational system.
The Dayalbagh Educational Institute has embarked upon a bold initiative, VISION 2031 and formulated a comprehensive and progressive Strategic Plan for 2012-2031, with the goal to become a top teaching-cum-research Institute through an exemplary system of education. To establish Total Quality Management across all activities of the University, the Plan encompasses undergraduate and postgraduate education, research, infrastructure, information and communication technology and campus development.
Keeping in line with the Institute's unique scheme of innovative, comprehensive, inter-disciplinary and value-based education that fosters academic excellence with holistic development, the Strategic Plan is a road map for providing an environment to produce well-rounded students who are ready to take on challenges and be leaders with a fine blend of top quality academics, work-experience and a strong value system.
Revered Professor P.S. Satsangi Sahab, during His tenure as the Director of DEI, utilized concepts from Applied Systems Engineering to elucidate the relationship between the Aims and Objectives of DEI's Education Policy, the Educational System of DEI and DEI's Organization elements that lead to the development of a complete Man.
He identified 93 elements spred over Aims and Objects of DEI (30), Educational System of DEI (33) and DEI's Organisation (30) and developed a hierarchical structure depicting these elements in the form of an Interpretive Structural Model.
The Mission Objective, i.e., development of a Complete Man, is at the top of the structure as shown in the Figure. The Organisation elements such as Students Participation, Remedial Teaching, Interface for Learning, Access to Field Experience, Training and Motivation of Staff etc. are shown at the grass root level in the Figure. The Educational System that has been designed to acheive the development of the Complete Man is shown in the middle layer.
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