Uttaranchal Sanskrit University, Haridwar formerly known as Uttaranchal Sanskrit Academy, Haridwar. The university provides courses in Sanskrit and related studies. Sanskrit has been the soul of india and the crowning glory of its heritage for thousands of years. It has been a language of culture and manners and has also gained prominence in the entire world for its scientific nature and use. The university is recognized by UGC under section 2 (f) of UGC Act 1956 vide notification No. F.9-6/2000(CPP-1) dated May 16, 2006. The Objectives is to collect all Sanskrit documents available in the world and create a library/archives so that Sanskrit literature can be encouraged and carried forward.To publish Sanskrit treatises and documents.To create an exclusive library of Sanskrit litrature.To simplify Sanskrit.To promote the association of Sanskrit with science and other subjects and publish translations with the use of modern technology. Not declared fit to receive Central/UGC assistance under Section 12 (B) of the UGC Act-1956.
Vice Chancellor
Prof. Mahavir AgarwalAddress
PO Jwalapur Haridwar-249 407 , UttarakhandPhone Numbers
01334-250896, 8449088884Fax Numbers
01334-251720Contact Email