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Joseph W. Lyding IEEE Pioneer Award in Nanotechnology Awarded In 2012

Joseph W. Lyding

Joseph W. Lyding

Award Name : IEEE Pioneer Award in Nanotechnology

Year of Award : 2012

Award for : Science and Engineering

Location : Urbana, Illinois, United States


Joseph W. Lyding is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern University in 1983. He joined the Illinois faculty to work with Nobel laureate John Bardeen on the 1D charge-density wave problem. During that time, he developed the first scanning tunneling microscope in the Midwestern United States, with which he developed the atomic resolution hydrogen resist process for patterning silicon surfaces. In these experiments he also discovered the giant deuterium isotope effect that is now being used in large-scale chip production to reduce hot-carrier degradation in CMOS technology.He received IEEE Pioneer Award in Nanotechnology in 2012.


IEEE Pioneer Award in Nanotechnology Awardeds
