The Directorate of Higher & Technical Education came into existence as one of the three Directorates in 1997 after the trifurcating of the erstwhile Directorate of Public Instruction. Again recently vide Govt. Notification No.EDN.358/2009/24 dt. 17.12.2009 the Directorate of Higher & Technical Education and Elementary & Mass Education is restructured and reorganized in which the Directorate of Elementary & Mass Education is renamed as Directorate of School Education & Literacy. All the Institutions at Lower Primary Level, Upper Primary Level, Secondary & Higher Secondary Level are under this Directorate. All matters relating to higher education including scholarships, NCC and NSS are under the DHTE.
The Directorate of Higher & Technical Education plays a very important role in administration, governance and supervision of different activities relating to Higher Education including College & University Education, Technical Education, Professional Education and Vocational Education in the State of Meghalaya. The activities are aimed at Human Resource Development and generation of technical man power according to the need of the Society. All Govt. Institutions are under its direct control while the Non-Govt. Institutions that receive grant-in-aid from the Govt. in the form salary of the teachers etc. are under the direct control of the Governing Body or Managing Committee of the institution.
The Directorate is headed by the Director of Higher & Technical Education assisted by one Addl. Director (T), one Joint Director, two Deputy Directors, one Registrar, two Superintendents and other supporting ministerial staff.
Vice Chancellor
Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, Addl. Secretariat Building, Shillong,1st FloorPhone Numbers
0364-2226015Fax Numbers
Contact Email