To trace the history of Jadavpur University is to trace a part of India’s freedom movement, at least from the Swadeshi Movement onwards. It was 1905 -1906Bengal stood divided. The times were feverish.The hegemony of the British establishment had to be challenged. Education had to play a new role in this changed scenario. It had to become a new form of resistance through which the emergent nationalist spirit could be propagated. With this in mind the National Council of Education (NCE) came into being.Its primary aim was to impart education - literary, scientific and technical on national lines exclusively under national control. To achieve self-reliance, through education. The foundation of the NCE was made possible by the munificence - scholarly as well as monetary - of the likes of Raja Subodh Chandra Mallik , Brajendra Kishore Roychowdhury of Gouripur as well as Sir Rash Behari Ghosh (first President of NCE), poet Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo Ghosh.In 1910 the Society for the Promotion of Technical Education in Bengal which looked after Bengal Technical Institute (which later became College of Engineering and Technology, Bengal) was amalgamated to NCE. NCE henceforth looked after the College of Engineering and Technology, Bengal which by 1940 was virtually functioning as a University. After Independence, the Government of West Bengal, with the concurrence of the Govt. of India, enacted the necessary legislation to establish Jadavpur University on the 24th of December 1955.Now Jadavpur University has successfully established itself as a foremost Indian University with a vast repertoire of courses offered, an enviable list of faculty members and has come to be known for its commitment towards advanced study and research.
The National Council of Education, Bengal, was established in 1906 in the wake of the nationalist movement. It was led by intellectuals, statesmen and the middle-class intelligentsia, and its aim was to cultivate the best of global learning and technology in order to build a self-reliant industrial base for India. Bengal Technical Institute was among the educational institutions founded by NCE, Bengal. Its mission was to impart training to Indian students in the appropriate technology so that the country could produce indigenous consumable materials. This Institute, later renamed College of Engineering and Technology, was in turn converted to Jadavpur University in 1955. The founders believed that the Technology Faculty could not sustain itself without active Faculties of the Basic Sciences and the Humanities. While playing a vital role in technical education in the country, the University may be said to rest on three pillars-Technology, Science and Arts.Jadavpur University is at present an internationally recognised premier university of the country. It is an urban university with a global perspective and is dedicated to creating leaders who will fashion a more humane and just world. Following in the footsteps of its predecessor, the University not only engages itself in teaching and research of international quality, but also provides societal services for the benefit of rural and urban populations. The programmes are directed towards achieving excellence in education and extending the benefits of improved technology to the society as a whole.The faculty members are encouraged to add value to the courses so that students can secure employment or attempt entrepreneurship. Extension programmes and several other courses provide opportunities for the drop-outs at different levels to continue their education. The objective is that they should be able to earn a living and derive the impersonal pleasure of learning at the same time. The University also contributes in evolving modes of digital distance education as part of the National Mission on Education.
The University wishes to grow further as a diverse and socially responsible learning community, providing a high quality of scholarship and equal opportunity for all.The University’s core values include a commitment to:The highest standards of excellence in teaching, research, creative expression and service to the community;Advanced learning as a humanising social practice rather than as a competitive exercise;Regarding the production and dissemination of knowledge as inseparable goals;Upholding the principle that the culture of reason and learning is indivisible from a concern for the world beyond the campus;Maintaining principles of democratic governance and intellectual and institutional freedom;Abiding by principles that do not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, caste, gender and economic status.
Vice Chancellor
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